Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Pressures of a Trendsetter

Hey girlies!
So today I'm not here to talk about styles of the season, or my favorite new look. Today, I'm going to talk about what every trendsetter deals with. Not a lot of people would expect a trendsetter to be made fun of, or glanced at funny, but it happens; a lot. This is because when you're a trendsetter, you are the first person to wear something out of the ordinary, and if you're a trendsetter, you probably will be the first person to wear it. A lot of girls try experimenting with things different  from their usual style, because they're curious to see if they like themselves like that. The last thing these girls want is to have people negatively commenting on what they're wearing, when it is something they are already slightly conscious about.  
don't be the girl gossiping
If you're a trendsetter, you have probably had this problem before. But somethings you have to remember as a trendsetter, are keep your head high, strut your look proudly and believe what your wearing is as awesome as you thought it was when you bought it, because soon they will be wearing that too! ☆
xoxo, Sophia